Privacy Guidelines
At GPM we are constantly striving to improve and make our online presence more attractive for you. Only by knowing which areas of our website are used most frequently and for the longest periods can we optimize the content of the GPM websites to best suit your requirements. We process personal data collected during visits to our website in accordance with data protection regulations valid in the country where the entity responsible for processing the data is based. The websites of GPM may contain links to websites of other providers which do not conform with this data protection declaration.

Collection and processing of personal data
When you access the websites of GPM, general information is automatically recorded. This information includes things like the date of your visit, the type of web browser you visit from, the operating system used, the domain name of your internet service provider and similar data. None of it is the kind of data which could allow GPM to draw conclusions about your personal identity. Data of a personal nature is only saved if you expressly provide it, for example during an inquiry, registration, reservation, survey, contest or while completing a contract.

Use of cookies
Cookies are text files containing information to identify returning visitors exclusively for the duration of the visit to our websites. Cookies are saved on the hard drive of your computer and do not cause any damage there. This enables us to make our website more user friendly for you, to target the content of our website to better suit your needs and thereby to improve our service for you. Cookies can be used to determine whether your computer has already established communication with our websites. Only the cookie on your computer is identified. Personal data can be saved in cookies if you have given your permission for it to be saved – for example, to make secure online access easier by allowing you to register without entering your User ID and Password each time you visit.

Use of cookies

Cookies are text files containing information to identify returning visitors exclusively for the duration of the visit to our websites. Cookies are saved on the hard drive of your computer and do not cause any damage there. This enables us to make our website more user friendly for you, to target the content of our website to better suit your needs and thereby to improve our service for you. Cookies can be used to determine whether your computer has already established communication with our websites. Only the cookie on your computer is identified. Personal data can be saved in cookies if you have given your permission for it to be saved – for example, to make secure online access easier by allowing you to register without entering your User ID and Password each time you visit.

Using and passing on traffic data
GPM utilises the aforementioned data, including cookies, exclusively for statistical purposes and for its technical administration of the website. Data is not passed on to third parties, neither for commercial nor for non-commercial purposes.
You can, of course, also view our websites without cookies. Most internet browsers accept cookies automatically. You can prevent cookies from being saved on your hard drive by selecting the “do not accept cookies” option in your browser settings. For further instructions relating to your own specific browser, please consult the instructions provided by your browser manufacturer. You can delete any cookies already present on your computer at any time. If you do not accept any cookies this may, however, limit the function of our website.

Using and passing on personal data
GPM utilises personal data exclusively for contractual purposes, and will only use it for other purposes with prior express permission.

GPM uses technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data in our possession from manipulation, loss, destruction and access by unauthorised persons.

Right of affected parties
On request, GPM or an authorized representative responsible for your data will inform you immediately, in writing and in line with the current legal requirements, whether or which personal data we have saved relating to you. If, despite our constant efforts to ensure that our information is current and correct, the data we have saved proves to be incorrect, we will be happy to correct it at your request. You also have the right to have your data blocked or deleted.

How to Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about the online privacy statement for this site or its implementation you may contact us at